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BCS Certificate in Modelling Business Processes

This course prepares you for BCS Modelling Business Processes exam. You'll learn to apply industry standard business process modelling and analysis techniques and understand the framework for business process improvement within which these techniques may be applied. The investigation, modelling, analysis, and improvement of business processes is key to an understanding of both Requirements Engineering and Business Process Improvement areas. These techniques and practices reduce the cost of development and potential re-work across the organization to create high quality products and add business value.

Learning Objectives

You will gain a broad knowledge and deep understanding of Modeling Business Process practices / techniques including:

  • Identify core business processes at an organizational and process level

  • Model business processes at the organizational and process level

  • Recognize the events that trigger the business processes

  • Analyze the tasks within a business process

  • Improve your business processes

Who should attend

Business Analysts, project managers, business change managers and anyone who requires a practical understanding of business process modelling. Modelling Business Processes is also a Practitioner module on the BCS (ISEB) International Diploma in Business Analysis.


There are no prerequisites for attending this course, but some experience in business analysis is desirable. This course is designed for anyone wishing to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to model business processes and/or acquire the BCS diploma in Business Analysis. Delegates wishing to acquire the skill set required for analysing and addressing business process problems and wishing to attain the BCS Certificate in Modeling Business Processes would benefit from attending this course.

Format and Material

To help assimilate the tools and techniques learned, there is a mixture of various kinds of case studies throughout the course. A lively simulation help reinforce concepts learned. There will be practice questions to prepare you for the exam.

Participants will need to be prepared for a high level of participation.

Course Contents

The organisational view

  • The business environment

  • Types of customer

  • Value chain analysis and value propositions

Modelling business processes

  • ‘As is’ business process models

  • Business events and business rules

  • Timescales

Analysing tasks

  • Identifying tasks

  • Documenting tasks

  • Defining steps in the task

  • Decisions and business rules

Human aspects of performance

  • Support required

  • Standards

  • Skill requirements

  • Feedback and consequences

Managing and measuring processes

  • Organisation vs. customer expectations

  • Customer value expectations

  • Departmental and process measures

Process improvement and redesign

  • ‘To be’ business process models

  • Process problems:

    • Process disconnects

    • Handoffs and delays

    • Lack of IT support

  • Process redesign patterns

    • Re-engineering

    • Simplification

    • Value-added

    • Automation

Implementation issues

  • Organisation design

  • People issues

  • Procedure design

  • Managing change

IT support for business processes

  • Defining IT requirements from process models

Exam & Certification

  • One hour, closed book

  • Multiple choice

  • Pass mark is 65% (26 out of 40)

  • Cost: INR 23,500 + GST

International Diploma in Business Analysis
The BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, offers this internationally recognized certification, enabling you to take your skills around the world. The four modules required to apply for this certification include one foundation level course, and three practitioner level courses:

  1. BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis

  2. BCS Certificate in Business Analysis Practice Training

  3. BCS Certificate in Modelling Business Processes Training

  4. BCS Certificate in Requirements Engineering Training

The International Diploma requires a 50 minute oral examination with two examiners. The questions will require you to apply your business analysis knowledge and understanding to scenarios described by the oral examiners. For additional information, write to us at

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